Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Building a Secure Site

Click Here! Basic Ways To Increase Web Security

Now that you know a bit about what can be done to your website by the bad guys, here are some ways to fight them off.
Keep Code Up to Date

There is no better protection than keeping your code up to date. Outdated versions of WordPress, old installs of PHP and MySQL, even old browsers, all of these are security issues because most updates to software these days are security patches. It is a rat race between those who want the Web to work and those who want to abuse it to make a quick buck or to steal your identity. So please help the good guys by upgrading whenever a new version is out.
Don’t Stay Logged In, and Don’t Entice Others to Either

Staying logged in while not using a system is dangerous. Other websites you surf to can check that you are logged in and then clickjack you to make you do something you don’t mean to or aren’t aware of. This is especially dangerous with social media because everything you do will be sent to all your friends and probably replicated by them. It is a snowball effect.

In my perfect world, no form has a “Keep me logged in” option, which of course would be a nuisance to end users. I would love to see a clever, usable solution to this problem. I use a Flex client for Twitter, not a browser, which means I am not vulnerable even on websites with clickjacking and cross-site request forgery (the latter only if people do not abuse the API to phish my followers; see the presentations at the end of this article for a demo of that).
Use Clever Passwords, and Entice Users to Do the Same

Even on bullet-proof systems, one attack vector is users whose passwords are very easy to guess. I change my passwords every few weeks, and I take inspiration from a book I am reading or a movie I have just seen. I also replace some characters and with numbers to make dictionary attacks harder.

There are two ways to crack a password (other than social engineering, which is making you tell me your password by tricking you or phishing): brute force and dictionary attacks. Brute force entails writing a loop that tries all of the different options (much like playing hangman), which can take ages and uses a lot of computing power. Dictionary attacks use a dictionary database to attempt common words instead of going letter by letter.

Say I am reading a Sherlock Holmes book or have just seen the new screen adaptation, my password could be Sh3rl0ckW4t50n or b4sk3rv!ll3. That may be a bit hardcore for most people but is generally a good idea. Another strategy is to take a sentence that you can memorize easily and string together the initial letters. For example, “I like to buy food for my dog and to walk with it” would be Il2bffmda2wwi or even Il2bffmd&2wwi.

So, if you build a new Web product that needs authentication, and you really need to build your own log-in system rather than use Google, Yahoo, Facebook Connect or OpenID (which might be a good idea), please do not allow users to use passwords like “password” or the not-much-safer “password1.” Recently, a list of passwords banned by Twitter leaked onto the Web, shown here as the full code 20. This is a good idea (the list, that is, not the leak).
What To Do On Your Server

Even if you are not a server expert, that’s no excuse for running an insecure server. Here are some things to make sure of.
Turn Off Folder Listing

As explained earlier, allowing people to navigate your folders (i.e. path traversal) is a bad idea. Testing whether your server has path traversal turned on is easy:

   1. Create a new folder on the server; for example, pathtest.
   2. Add some files to the folder. But do not add index.html, index.php, default.aspx or whatever else your server uses as the default file name.
   3. Check the folder in your browser; for example, by going to
   4. If you can see a listing, contact your server admin to turn that off!

Harden Your PHP

If you have a server with PHP, be aware that you are in control of a powerful tool. The worst oversight someone could make is to allow any parameter that comes in from the URI to become a global variable. This is turned off by default on PHP installs in version 4.2.0 and onward, but your configuration may have changed. In fact, some tutorials recommend that you turn it on for a script to work: this is a very, very bad idea.

You can easily test if globals are enabled:

   1. Create a new file named test.php.
   2. Add the following code to it:
      view source
      1    <?php echo "*".$ouch.'*';?>
   3. Upload the file to your server.
   4. Browse to the file, and send a parameter called ouch; for example:
   5. If your browser shows “*that hurts*”, then your server has globals registered.
   6. Contact your server admin to get this fixed!

Why is this important? Well, in our explanation of XSS earlier, we talked about attackers being able to add code to your page using the URI parameters in your script. If you don’t turn off globals, any variable you use and write out could become an attack. Even worse, consider the following code:
view source
1    if($_POST['username'] == 'muppet' &&
2       $_POST['password'] == 'password1') {
3        $authenticated = true;
4    }
5    if($authenticated) {
6      // do something only admins are allowed to do
7    }

If this is checkuser.php and global registering is on, then an attacker could call this in the browser as and could work around the whole user checking; his authentication as $_GET['authenticated'] automatically turns into $authenticated.
Turn Off Error Messages

A lot of servers are set up to show you error messages when the browser encounters a problem. These messages often look cryptic, but they are a great source of information for attackers.

Creating an error and seeing what the server spits out is one of the first steps in checking the folder structure of a server. Funnily enough, error pages stating “File XYZ could not be found” were one of the first XSS attack opportunities, because you could look for a file named <script>alert(document.cookie),</script>.
Automatically Checking PHP for Security Issues

Uploading PHPSecInfo 21 to a folder is a pretty handy way to perform a quick audit of your PHP server’s security. Opening it in your browser gives you a detailed checklist of common security flaws and how they should be fixed.

But never leave this on a live server because it gives attackers a lot of details about your set-up!